August 28, 2018 2 min read

We often hear of people buying clothes with no actual idea where it came from. Nowadays "fast fashion" is just getting faster - and cheaper... 

We believe that fashion can be made in a safe, clean and just way. Where creativity, quality, and people are valued over cheap, bad quality and masses of clothing. 

For us, as a South African brand, it was really important to use local talent and resources. We are very proud of our two seamstresses Ntombe and Chido. But let them speak for themselves…

Ntombebaca literally stumbled upon us. After being retrenched from an industrial factory she went looking for new a new job and happened to pass our road where she had a peak of our sewing machines though the windows. After two days we knew she had to stay. 

Originally from Nqamakwe in the Eastern Cape, she recalls “seeing my mother sewing on an old Singer machine was my biggest inspiration to sew. Whenever my mother was out of the house, I pinched the sewing machine and practiced sewing little leather pieces together for the dog to wear.” Later at school she studied sewing and says from then on she couldn’t stop - her love for creating was just too important. After finishing school in 1985 she started working in the clothing industry where she gathered a lot of experience and learned a lot about different type of sewing machinery and fabrics. Her dream is to design and make children's clothes full time one day. We call her "Springchicken" - she might be the oldest in the studio but she certainly moves the fastest! 

We are happy to have you here, Ntombebaca! 

































